Cheadle Area Liberal Democrats

working for Gatley, Cheadle, Cheadle Hulme & Heald Green Learn more

United Utilities to share work to reduce sewage outflows into the Micker Brook

by Lib Dem team on 26 April, 2024

Councillors have received the following communication from United Utilities relating to work in Cheadle West and Gatley.

I wanted to provide an update on our works in Brookfields Park which are part of our project to add capacity to Cheadle Golf Course Combined Sewage Outflows reducing overflows into Micker Brook.

Over the past couple of weeks we’ve had a team on site carrying out further ground investigation works to inform our design. These surveys are now complete though we have left an area of the park fenced off for safety reasons as agreed with Stockport Council estates team. We have continued to work with the estates team and tree officer and also recently met with members of the highways team to discuss the logistics of construction traffic access and how we work together considering the A34 Major Roads Network Corridor Improvement Plan.

On Monday (29th April) we will be hosting a public drop-in session at Cheadle Golf Club from 2pm until 6:45pm. Local residents have been invited to call in and speak with our construction team at a time that suits them where information will be on display and we will be collecting feedback to help shape our plans. A letter was delivered to residents who live closest to our planned working area last week. Posters have also been placed in the park and at the leisure centre and we issued a press release and have a social media campaign to make visitors to the park and those in the wider area aware of the event.


3 Responses

  1. I would encourage people to go to this. The floods in July 2019 were created by blockages just upstream from this – repeatedly reported and ignored by both the EA and Stockport Council. It was given a red flag in the ensuing report – and then, of course ignored.
    Tom and I have repeatedly reported potential new blockages in this area (Demmings Road), but they are being ignored as well.
    It won’t be long before the next flood, with the same cause. I wonder if these works will contribute or alleviate this, as they are so close by?

  2. Tom says:

    Absolutely Karen, the more people get get involved with this, the better!

  3. Ged Shiel says:

    We live on Wilmslow Road, next to Broadway and had no invite. It would have been appropriate to invite us due to the ongoing flooding issues we experience. The reason we attended was due to a thread on instagram that my wife found.
    The Mickerbrook remains full of debris and needs immediate attention.
    Thanks for your concern and help

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