Cheadle Area Liberal Democrats

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Local NHS Issues

by Lib Dem team on 10 February, 2024

During the ward team’s regular door-knocking sessions, many residents have told us about issues they have had with local NHS services. 

From people unable to get appointments at GP Surgeries, to those people who cannot access NHS dentists, it’s clear there are lots of problems people are facing.

We’re very keen to hear your stories. If you have had issues with local health services, please do contact the Lib Dem team and let us know.

Tom Morrison has kickstarted a campaign to get more investment in Stepping Hill Hospital after the Outpatients Department was closed over safety fears. However, we understand that there are also issues locally, so please do let us know so we can take these up on your behalf.

Email Tom at with anything you’d like to raise.


6 Responses

  1. David T says:

    To put the whole issue of the NHS’s present state into context, consider this: The NHS is one of the largest employers in the world, it consumes some £130-150 billion of tax payers money every year.
    To put £130/150 billion into context, that is approximately the same amount the Chinese government allots to it’s total annual defence budget: it covers the cost of some 2 million solders, thousands of aircraft, 500,000 air force personnel, over 400 fighting ships, 500 nuclear weapons, missiles, etc., etc.
    If we in Britain could genuinely claim to run and have the best health service in the world then it would be money well spent.
    Unfortunately, and tragically, we have certainly one of the worst in Europe, if not the developed world.
    Furthermore none of our political parties have any intention of even remotely attempting to rebuild and restructure the failed NHS. They only promise to throw more hard earned tax payers money into the NHS abyss
    In the meantime, preventable deaths and waiting lists continue to rise inexorably, as they have for at least five decades under government administrations of Conservative, Labour and LibDem.

  2. David says:

    By what measure do you put the NHS as one of the worst health systems in the developed world? Just seems quite an open statement with nothing factual to back it up so I’m intrigued

  3. What is the point of telling you our stories??
    Yes, the NHS is in the worse state ever.
    Are you going to get us NHS dentists as a result of sharing our stories?

  4. Dean W says:

    I agree with some aspects of David T – the NHS needs a massive reform to make it what it should be, the best health service in the world. It is understaffed in certain areas and massively over staffed in others. They are held to ransom over extortionate drug prices. The whole system just gets worse and worse every year. Eventually it will break. When will a government actually try and improve the service rather than just chucking money at it. Money doesn’t solve everything, although listening to most governments, they think it does.

  5. Hasan says:

    You have highlighted the main issues
    1. Non Availability of GP appointments
    2. Unable to find a NHS dentist
    Hospital waiting list – my son has been waiting over 2 years for an ACL operation

    Obviously NHS needs more funding
    But where does the money come ?

    For starters we should be asking doctors & nurses (not the Managers) how to cut back on wastages – I was given a 100g cream which expired after 7days even though I had only used approximately 10g
    When I asked for a smaller tube, I was told it was only available in the 100g size !!

    Another issue is NHS prescriptions products been sold on the internet- obviously people entitled free NHS medication are getting excess items on prescription and then reselling them 🤬

  6. John Hartley says:

    We know the NHS has been starved of funds under the current government. And we know the impact this has had. The Nuffield Trust report on cancer survival rates show the the UK performs badly in comparison with other similar countries.

    But my own recent experience with the NHS belies that wider problem. Here’s the details:

    – I was worried about a “lump” on my leg and decided to contact the GP (I’m a patient of the Northenden Group Practice through its surgery in Gatley). At 7.30am on the Thursday, filled in their online triage form. Just after 9, got a phone call giving me an appointment for later that morning.

    – saw the GP who also didnt like the look of the lump and said she’d do an urgent referral to dermatology. It’d take a couple of weeks and if I hadnt heard by then, I should contact the surgery for a chase-up.

    – however, I got a phone call on the following Tuesday, offering me an appointment at Trafford General on the coming Saturday.

    – saw the dermatologist who decided I needed minor surgery to remove the lump and get a biopsy. She said waiting time was 1 – 2 months.

    – however, on the following Tuesday, I got a phone call with an appointment back at Trafford for the following Saturday.

    – went to that and surgeon removed the lump . A few days later, got confirmation that it was nothing nasty.

    So, all done and dusted within a couple of weeks. Can’t fault the care I’ve received.

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