Cheadle Area Liberal Democrats

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Double yellow lines to stop illegal parking on Beech Road

by Lib Dem team on 26 January, 2024

In response to a request from Councillor Ian Hunter, the Council’s Highways team investigated resident concerns about drivers parking on the pavement and within the turning circle of Beech Avenue to access the William Scholes Playing Fields.

To address these concerns, the Cheadle Area Committee approved a Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) implementing ‘No Waiting at Any Time’ (double yellow lines) within the turning circle of Beech Avenue in Gatley, as illustrated in the diagram below.

During the engagement process, Council officers also reached out to the clubs to address the parking issues. It was found that the clubs paying to hire the pitch were not the ones responsible for parking and conducting unofficial training sessions when the venue is closed.

As part of the engagement, a survey was sent to residents, and all respondents (100%) expressed support for the proposed measures.

Commenting on the scheme, Councillor Hunter stated, “I’m delighted that the parking issue at the end of Beech Road is being addressed with the full support of residents. I’m sure this will benefit local householders and users of Scholes Park.”


8 Responses

  1. Mike George says:

    Having just had South Park Road resurfaced, we hope the double yellow lines on the one-way bend from numbers 20 down to 7 will be reinstated. Cars already being parked n what is a blind bend.

    Understand your problems at Beech Road, and good to see action taken. We are awaiting speed check on cars travelling through the bend where we are.

    • Just for clarity, we will of course replace the lines after resurfacing South Park Road. Peoples may not be aware a new tarmac surface needs to weather for a short period to allow a good bond between the tarmac and the lining materials.
      Brand new tarmac can be slightly oily.

  2. John says:

    And thanks to the Council for repainting the lines and kerb markings on Mary Street. Sadly it hasn’t stopped people parking there.

  3. David J says:

    Re Beech Avenue
    Good luck with that.
    After major alterations nearby at the junction of Burnside Road and Hawthorn Road the extension of double yellow lines has had no effect on parking.
    Twice daily, drivers park routinely on the double yellow lines at school times.

    • Mak says:

      Collecting or dropping kids at school is a tough one surely people can understand… its only for 10-20 minutes. Perhaps people in the area should avoid being around during school drop off / collection times…

      Schools weren’t designed to take so many people on from a long distance. There isn’t much of a solution really

      • Lib Dem team says:

        If someone really needs to drive their kids to school, park a little further away instead of parking illegally and putting other children in danger. Very few children at Gatley Primary come in from a long way away – Iain.

      • Local councillors were instrumental in arranging two drop off points for Gatley Primary School.
        The car park at Scholes Field is open for a short time morning and evening for drop off and the old cider path improved to make the walk more reasonable.
        The car Park at Gatley Hill House is the second location with a path down to Hawthorn Road.

      • ts says:

        parents are just too lazy, i used to walk to school from 1.5 miles away, simply too lazy

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