Cheadle Area Liberal Democrats

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High Grove Road works

by Lib Dem team on 25 January, 2025

Works are being undertaken by United Utilities and are related to emergency works on a suspected sewer collapse. The works are being undertaken under a road closure and are currently permitted until 28th Feb. As this is an emergency job on a collapse, the end date could change as the extents of the works are to a degree unknown. It is usually the responsibility of the works promoter (in this case United Utilities) to advise residents of any works they undertake that may have an impact upon those residents.


4 Responses

  1. Alan says:

    I’ve already flagged this to a councillor and not even had an acknowledgment. Can the end profile be changed on the speed table at High Grove / Milton Crescent? Currently certain cars are still racing down High Grove rendering the whole works a complete waste of money.
    Really annoys me that certain people can’t just enter into the spirit of these things and recognise works like these are done for a (safety) reason.

    • Good Morning Alan

      I have been contacted by another resident raising the same points, I will reproduce below the response from the Highways Dept:

      The vertical traffic calming introduced across the scheme has a desired gradient of 1:10, the completed installations have been checked by our site supervisor, and this has largely been achieved. We have encountered some constraints on site which have dictated that a slightly shallower gradient has been accepted. The main such issue has been low kerb heights, including at driveways, and the risk of introducing drainage issues, including at adjacent property.

      It is notable that we have installed a package of traffic calming across the estate, with the spacing, positioning and size of which combining to support the 20mph speed limit. The area will be monitored following completion of the works and the effectiveness of the traffic calming will be considered.

      I hope this helps. If you are happy, I will respond to Mr ****** directly (given he has contacted us directly too), saying that you have also shared his concerns and observations with us?

      Please let me know if you require any further information.

      Many thanks,

      Highways and Transportation
      Stockport Council

      I extend the same offer, if I can help further please contact me directly: If you would rather report a speeding offence you must contact the police directly.

      An observation regarding drainage, I understand from talking to residents, the installation of five high capacity gullies around the traffic cushion work very well after the sever New Years Eve weather. So the planning was effective.

      • L, High Grove Road resident says:

        I agree about the speed tables – they could be used to greater effect if reviewed. And no markings yet, either! When are those coming? If the ramps/tables are more visible it may stop some of the speeders.

  2. Nicola says:

    I fully agree with Alan’s comments. The calming measures recently put in place down High Grove Road appear to be so subtle that they have absolutely no effect on calming traffic and appear to be a complete waste of money.

    I’m continually amazed that there is a complete lack of wanting to put in effective measures down this road given the frightening speeds experienced down the road & especially given the presence of a school & nursery on the road.

    Other roads in the area have benefited from much more effective measures- why not High Grove?

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