Cheadle Area Liberal Democrats

working for Gatley, Cheadle, Cheadle Hulme & Heald Green Learn more

Make Your Voice Heard – Vote for Huma Khan!

by Lib Dem team on 12 October, 2024

If you haven’t already used your postal vote, you still have the opportunity to put Cheadle West, and Gatley first. Huma Khan, your Liberal Democrat candidate, is ready to step up and fight for our community.

Huma is full of energy and dedication, ready to champion the causes that matter most to us:

  • Fighting for our green spaces and keeping our environment safe.
  • Improving the local area through thoughtful development and investment.
  • Protecting the local environment and ensuring a sustainable future.

Every vote counts, so don’t miss out!

Important Reminder: When heading to the polling station, don’t forget to bring your photo ID. You must have the original document – no photocopies, images on phones, or digital versions will be accepted.

Polls are open from 7am to 10pm on Thursday, 17th October – make sure you make your vote


13 Responses

  1. Shanaz says:

    Hello Huma , I sent you an email over 10 days ago about the poor postal service, and I haven’t even received an acknowledgement or reply ?

    • Chris T says:

      I have also asked a couple of times what Huma Khan has to offer in terms of qualities, competences etc that supports why we should be confident of her abilities to serve us well and therefore vote for her. Zero response from anyone at LD.
      But that’s to be expected when they are all arrogant and complacent. Mr Iain Roberts being a prime example of that unfortunate set of characteristics. The rest of the team are no better. I will certainly not be voting for this lot when they have supported the sale and destruction of the Gatley Golf Club amenities.

      • A N Resident says:

        As far as I can tell Chris, you had a reply two weeks ago and completely ignored it.

        • Chris T says:

          I’ve had no reply from anyone at LD. if I’m mistaken, and you’re sure, show it me – because there’s no reply I can see on here and no replies direct to my email address, Apart from anything else, how would you know whether I had ignored it? You wouldn’t, would you.

      • Lib Dem team says:

        Hi Chris, Huma replied to you two weeks ago on 30th September, and the Lib Dem team has opposed the proposals at Gatley Golf Club at every stage – and continue to do so. It’s fine to have a go at us, but both the claims you make are demonstrably untrue. Iain

        • Chris T says:

          As far as I’m aware, I saw no direct reply to my direct question on this blog. If I had had a reply, I wouldn’t have said that I had received no reply, would I? You have my email address and so does Huma, so if you are as conscientious about your residents as you claim you are, then I will look forward to a reply either on here, or to my email address. I’m genuinely curious to know what personal qualities and competences your councillor has that would give us faith in her ability to serve us appropriately. All we have seen and always see from your party is rhetoric and BS. The only thing that’s demonstrable about your party is its incompetence on every level. This area is in the worst condition it’s ever been and I’ve lived here a long time. There is nothing about what you do for the residents of this area that is in any way positively demonstrable. However, demonstrate your competence by replying, in a professional manner, to my question which was a serious and genuine question.
          I’ll wait.

        • Chris T says:

          As an afterthought: The irony of your proxy reply on here, Iain – a “demonstrable” opportunity missed. You make a good PA if nothing else.

  2. Sarah says:

    If you can help Cheadle become the Cheadle we once loved.
    Its a conservation area, instead look at all the tacky takeaways and convince shops opened ie Lillys looks horrible and not cheadle.
    no more!!!
    We want shops we’re encouraged to shop locally, nothing in cheadle except when it’s the makers market.
    Stop cars turning right out of Massie Street there’s going to be a bad accident one day, get the pavements sorted my mum has fallen too many times and no one seems to care.
    If the station doesn’t go ahead then put the money back into cheadle stop rents going up give people the opportunity to start a good business instead of more coffee shops, restaurants, hair/barbers, hearing aid, and tacky/ takeaways.
    I love cheadle lived here a very long time and it upsets me.
    Yes I do shop in the village however it’s not easy,before anyone says anything
    I know I’ll get shot down with my comments but it’s how I feel, abd I should be allowed to say how I feel.
    Thank you

    • John Hartley says:

      I don’t know why you think you’ll be shot down for expressing opinions that have often been expressed on this blog.

      The problem with some small retail centres like Cheadle & Gatley is that folk have failed to give sufficient support to the food shops that bring folk into the centres. We’re all to blame for this by, over many years, doing our food shopping at the supermarkets. If residents had supported their local bakers, greengrocers, fishmongers etc (as they do in, say, Heald Green and Heaton Moor), there wouldnt be an issue. Until those sorts of businesses feel they can make a profit in the area they won’t set up here. Instead, we will have restaurants, takeaways, etc that feel they can make a profit – and that seems to be the case.

  3. Val says:

    I agree with the comments above the village has sadly declined over a number of years I stopped shopping in the village when the parking charges came in.
    The money that they are hoping to get for a railway station would be much better spent on upgrading the village itself – no more of those monstrous parklets – an extension of the metro makes more sense, encouraging more proper shops like we used to have and maybe one hour free on the carpark like we used to have.

    • Martyn says:

      I agree that the money for a station would be better spent on the village. The Metrolink to Cheadle and Gatley would better serve the area than a rail station.
      I can’t understand the clamour for rail service into Cheadle when the railways are in the state they are.
      Obviously we all hope rail service across the country improves but until then a Metrolink extension may provide a better option for the local area.

  4. Sarah says:

    Thank you John 😊 I completely agree with your comments.
    I always look forward to reading your views.

  5. jenb says:

    The problems with small shops in Cheadle is just a sign of the times. It’s happening everywhere.

    Same with problems with the post, it’s not just Cheadle. There is no need for people to send so much post these days. Bills and statements are mostly online, but more parcels are being sent, so the post office prioritises these

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