Cheadle Area Liberal Democrats

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An announcement from Tom Morrison

by Lib Dem team on 14 September, 2024

5 Responses

  1. John Hartley says:

    Thanks for your albeit fairly brief service as one of our ward councillors. We had the Keeping in Touch leaflet yesterday announcing who hopes to be your replacement.

  2. David T says:

    It is good that Tom Morrison wishes to focus on his duties as Lib Dem MP for Cheadle.
    A test on Tom’s focus and competence will be immediately required with the notification last week of an appeal by Hollins Strategic Land LLP on the refusal of it’s planning application for the Gatley Golf Club development.
    The appeal went to the Secretary of State of the newly elected Labour government which duly appointed a public enquiry to be held on 26th November 2024.
    It is to be sincerely hoped that Tom publicly denounces such an inept development that fails on all reasonable yardsticks: environmental, logistical, over stretched community services such as water treatment, medical and educational.
    Tom Morrison has a moral and social obligation to his constituents to speak out opposing such an appalling planned devastation of rare urban green space.
    The Cheadle constituency has many ‘grey field’ sites as alternatives for the building of necessary low cost housing.
    This is an early call on Tom’s commitment and public duty to protect the people of this constituency from greedy developers. A very big call!

  3. John Hartley says:

    “Cheadle constituency has many ‘grey field’ sites as alternatives for the building of necessary low cost housing.”

    Yes, it would be good to hear the Council’s proposals for using land within the constituency for housing at social rents (council housing as it used to be called) – “affordable” is not “social”. I’d have been more sympathetic to a development on the golf club site if it had been for social housing.

    And, of course, if the planning appeal fails, it’ll be interesting to see what the owners of the golf club land propose doing with it. As the Council appears opposed to the land being developed, maybe it should buy it off the golf club (at a commercial price , of course) and just leave it to return to the wild.

    • Martyn says:

      Hello John,

      I don’t know if you have been across the golf course recently but it’s already returning to the wild. Seems a real shame that the golf club has ceased operating. Would be fantastic to see it as public green space.

      • John Hartley says:

        Hi Martyn

        I suppose it’s like our own gardens but on a bigger scale. Come back after a fortnight’s holiday and the weeds have taken over.

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