Cheadle Area Liberal Democrats

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Council top brass visit Cheadle and Gatley

by Lib Dem team on 26 January, 2024

Local Councillors with Old Tom, Council CEO Caroline Simpson and Phillip Gould-Bourn Chairman of the Civic Society

Your local councillors welcomed Council Chief Executive Caroline Simpson and Finance Director Michael Cullen on a visit to the Cheadle and Gatley Ward on January 22nd. This followed a request from Tom Morrison that Caroline and Michael come and see first-hand how the Council works in our ward. During the visit, they were guided through areas where the Council could improve its performance, showcased upcoming projects benefitting the community, and recent projects to improve the neighbourhood.

The itinerary included exploring the woodland off Silverdale Road and a stroll through the Cheadle conservation area, covering Brooklyn Crescent, Massie Street, Wilmslow Road, and High Street.

The visit concluded with a meeting involving Phillip Gould-Bourn and Andrew Frazer, leaders of the Cheadle Civic Society, who provided feedback on the Council’s performance.

Reflecting on the visit, Councillor Tom Morrison remarked, “It was a pleasure to host Caroline and Michael, showcasing both areas of success and receiving valuable feedback on areas where the Council can enhance its efforts. We gained a real sense of Caroline and Michael’s dedication to ongoing service improvement.”


4 Responses

  1. Roy says:

    Hope they enjoyed their visit
    Did you show them the Paving on and around The High Street/Gatley Road/Wilslow Road which was replaced/renewed over 5years ago and ever since ha been Awaiting Repairs, this work was done under the LibDems

    • Hello Roy, I understood that Cheadle as an important District Centre has always attracted council investment when available.
      I seem to recall its was closer to ten years ago when the then Liberal Democrat Exec at Stockport Council invested in improvement to the pavement within the Cheadle Shopping District.
      Since then areas of the pavement have suffered from amongst other issues on pavement parking especially in front of the parish church, on Church Street and at various points along both sides of High Street up to Scotch Bob.
      Over that time we have twice applied funds for maintenance in particular outside the parish church and on Church Street (where after two attempts to maintain the pavement) Highways instead laid a tarmac pavement which is less susceptible to damage by on pavement parking.
      I was not involved in the process but I think we all regret that the pavement was not identified as an issue when the public consultation was considering the use of the multi-million pounds offer Cheadle received from central government funding.
      Always willing to meet up to review the latest areas for consideration if someone can show me the damage.
      Not on Massie Street, thank you, I am very aware of on pavement parking in that area already.

  2. Julie Breckwoldt says:

    Hi Did you also point out and show the visitors the huge flooding that occurs every time it rains on the main road adjacent to Scotch Bob making it impossible for buses to collect passengers waiting/alighting there? And the road opposite ?
    Hopefully they had their wellies on …..

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