Cheadle Area Liberal Democrats

working for Gatley, Cheadle, Cheadle Hulme & Heald Green Learn more

South Park Road

by Lib Dem team on 14 January, 2024

Following comments from residents action has been taken on the entry to South Park Road and the recent work to resurface the road.

Following an intervention from councillors new no entry road markings and a new no right turn sign are to be installed at the bottom of South Park Road to prevent unauthorised access

Councillors have asked for the road to be re-swept after a number of comments on the recent application of microsasphalt. In response to questions from Cllr Hunter the following answers were received:

The Microasphalt is still going through the embedment process which slows down during the colder months so some loose chips would be expected. During this process it is best not to over over-sweep the chippings as they will re-bed during traffic passes and with warmer temperatures re-bed. The ideal time to carry out this process is Spring/Summer however every UK Council wants to do this at the same time and cant always be achieved. Carrying out this work late summer or autumn isn’t un-common it just results in the embedment taking a bit longer. 

I always advise that this process shouldn’t be compared to a hot laid material which has a cleaner appearance on laying, Microasphalt appearance improves over time. Micro has a much better Co2 footprint and is becoming the norm especially on residential streets, Colas and Eurovia both have very useful video’s on You Tube which are interesting to watch.

A Colas video, for example can be found here.


5 Responses

  1. Phil Thomas says:

    There’s two of those signs on Massie street do drivers take any notice !!!!

  2. Robert Cohen says:

    Glad some more work is being done. Shame nothing is ever done about the 1000’s of drivers using the estate as a cut through. As far as I am aware, it is a fineable offence.

  3. Janet Holmes says:

    Thought I might mention this here…..a positive note!
    Congrats and thanks to everyone I saw litter picking along the High Street. Too many Mams, Dads, grandparents and youngsters of all ages……not sure as to uniform…could be Scouts et al? Whoever thank you for the initiative….good sight on a dull Sunday morning.

  4. Mike George says:

    Hopefully we might see some additional safety measures for residents a numbers 10, 9, 8, 7 and 5 from some vehicles tackling the ‘blind bend’ at speeds likely to kill or maim if someone was crossing the road, or backing-in their car.

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