Cheadle Area Liberal Democrats

working for Gatley, Cheadle, Cheadle Hulme & Heald Green Learn more

Save Gatley Golf Course

by Lib Dem team on 9 December, 2023

The Council’s Planning & Highways Committee will be making a decision on the future of Gatley Golf Course on December 14th at 6pm.
The proposals for the green space will see around 278 houses developed on the site along
with associated green space and community facilities.
Your Liberal Democrat councillors are against these proposals. We believe that they are
unsustainable, will put huge pressure on local services, and will mean the unnecessary loss
of green space.
Sports England and Golf England have both objected to the plans on the grounds that the
current golf clubs is viable and a useful asset.
Stockport councillors on the Planning and Highways commitee will now make the final decision and they are allowed to hear your views.
If you would like to contact the councillors who will be making the decision on the
proposals, you can do so on the below emails.
All comments must relate to planning matters therefore we would recommend focusing on:
� Sustainable transport (distance to bus, train and tram links)
� Loss of green space and ecological damage
� The viability of the golf course which both Sports England and Golf England support
The councillors who will make the final decision on the proposals are:
If you have any issues or questions you would like to raise with us about this or any other
issue, please do contact your ward councillors:


12 Responses

  1. John Hartley says:

    If the Lib Dem led council was serious about its contribution to solving the housing crisis , it would acquire this land and build houses for social rent.

    • Hello John, A quote from a recent MEN article.

      “The Stockport Mayoral Development Corporation has committed to building 4,000 new homes in brownfield locations as part of regeneration plans in the town centre.”

      Our priority is to build on brownfield sites first while questioning the use of greenfield and amenity sites. I don’t believe anyone wants the whole of Stockport built on.

  2. Alan says:

    I agree John.sadly many councils are either bankrupt or cash strapped due to years of Tory cuts. Also building land costs a fortune to purchase so without govt. help I’d be surprised if SMBC could afford it.

  3. SIMON BRYANT says:

    As a matter of interest- how many people are on wating list in the town for social housing??
    And how many of the 4000 homes will be for social tenants
    Not many I suspect
    Simon Bryant

  4. John Hartley says:

    Simon – it’s some while since I last saw figures but the waiting list then had around 6000 applicants. I suspect it’s longer now. Many of these families will be paying disproportionately high private rents but many others, because of their low and insecure income will be forced to live with others while they wait, often for many years.

    The website of the Development Corporation actually says the plan is to build 3500 homes, not 4000. It says they will be a mix of “home ownership, social and affordable rent and well managed private rented accommodation”. It doesnt give a breakdown between these categories but I tend to agree with you that there won’t be that many social tenants – so, ineffective in dealing with the issue of insecure and expensive accommodation for the borough’s most economically disadvantaged families. Seems to me, we can either deal with a massive social issue for our society or we can be NIMBYs.

  5. Alan says:

    I always think one of the mitigating factors in planning should be that the developer pays for the infrastructure BEFORE they build the houses.

  6. Peoples. JE says:

    The BEST message yet, totally agree. There is no infrastructure in the area, Bus, Train, Tram, non- existent without a car.

    I have tried to join Gatley Golf Club for 5 years and was advised no memberships available.

    A major issue must the crowded Troutbeck Rd exit and Lum Head School. How could Highways approve that route?

  7. David says:

    Let’s not muddy the waters here, this is all about a few greedy people making money out of something that was never really there’s in the first place!!
    Social housing or council housing is not on the agenda, it’s all about profit and for all the wrong reasons. Greed greed and greed!
    We should stall this for as long as possible, hopefully sense will prevail.and the golf club members that have sanctioned this sale and development will no longer be around to receive the rewards they do not deserve!

  8. Bob Day says:

    I learnt recently about the Woodland Trust buying a golf course on the top of Frodsham Hill. They then planted it with trees and prevented the housing development. Is this an option here?

    • David says:

      Bob, that is a fantastic idea and something which can only enhance our community and the environment, compulsory purchase by the council in conjunction with the woodland trust might just make this happen???

  9. JOHN PETCH says:

    Some years ago the Golf Club used used a Grants Expert to apply successfully for a grant of several thousand pounds to renovate the Club etc .. The Sports Council in approving the grant would have insisted on a “Dissolution clause in the Club Rules to prevent the unjust enrichment of members in the event the Club was dissolved .. For years the Club Management has run down the Club . Even after Covid when there was an upsurge in membership of Golf Clubs their doors remained shut to prospective new members whilst the remaining members quaked in their bunkers
    The Clause would have enabled net assets to be applied to another club with similar sports purposes being a registered charity or a registered CASC – Community Amateur Sports Club- or to the Sports Governing body . I wonder what happened to this Grant ?.

    • David says:

      Some very clever legal people managed to reverse the clubs CASC status.
      Stinks of corruption but nobody seems capable of stopping the rich getting what they want,…

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